Diablo 2 assassin builds
Diablo 2 assassin builds

The Martial Arts tree is divided into two categories-Charge-up Skills and Finishing Moves.Ĭharge-up Skills are stackable abilities that get more powerful the more "charge" you have. This skill tree allows the Assassin to kill her enemies, heightening her regular attacks from power-ups to finishing moves. As per most class builds, energy should stay at the base since your late-game equipment will give you the necessary mana to cast your skills.Įquipment-wise, the Assassin can use most melee weapons, but the most dependable builds will almost always require dual-wield Claws.Any other stat points you're not putting in Dexterity and Strength should go here. You'll need enough Strength to use your choice of equipment other than that, you won't need to go overboard here.This class requires a focus on Dexterity compared to other hero classes in the game in terms of stats.These weapons are the class's go-to offensive equipment and the only way for the Assassin to dual-wield. In addition, she is the only class in the game to wield the Claw-class weapons.

diablo 2 assassin builds

The Assassin also gains a bonus as a unique character, allowing her to open locked chests without keys- saving precious inventory slots. The Assassin of The Order of Mage Slayers employs advanced martial arts, projectile traps, and the secret arts of shadow disciplines.

Diablo 2 assassin builds