Fallout shelter radio room size
Fallout shelter radio room size

What's more, each room has a particular SPECIAL stat assigned to it, meaning some Dwellers are going to be more effective in working there than others. With that in mind, on starting out you should aim to leave space for at least three of each major resource-earning room - the Diner, Water Treatment, and Power Generator - wherever possible. You can also only demolish a room if it doesn't connect one to the next, meaning that once you've placed a few down, rearranging your Vault can quickly become a costly exercise. Fallout Shelter Trailer - Fallout Shelter at E3 2015

fallout shelter radio room size

Doing so earns you additional storage and resource yields, and also allows means a single dweller can work a room thrice the size of what they would have before the expansion, making it the most efficient way of laying out. Each room - Barbershop and Elevator aside - can be upgraded up to three times, and most expanded up to a maximum of three spaces along by placing copies of a certain room adjacent to one another. The most important factor to bear in mind for room placement is space. Here on this page, we'll be taking you through the best place to build rooms, and the specific function each room carries out so you know what each room does, and can plan your Shelter to the height of efficiency. Mirroring games like XCOM, it's all about maximising the space whilst getting the utmost out of adjacency bonuses and extensions, whilst making it easy for your disaster-fighting dwellers to get around. Room placement in Fallout Shelter is one of the most important decisions you'll likely make in the game.

Fallout shelter radio room size